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The campsite

The campsite
The picture is from September 2008.
Photo: Magnus Sæther

Deer Herd

Deer Herd on the campsite
There is a lot of deer in the area.
Photo: Magnus Sæther

The storehouse

The storehouse
The storehouse at Sætran Camping is from 1604.

Det var tidligere torvtak på stabburet. Vi er litt usikker på når dette ble fjernet. Om høsten var torvtaket en fin plass å plukke tyttebær.

The storehouse

The storehouse
(The picture is from 1983)

The campsite

The campsite
(Picture is from September 17, 2019)
Photo: Unni Ekren


Payment is preferred in cash.
(Norwegian krone or Euro is accepted)

Before you leave:
Turn off the lights and heating when you leave the cabin. The refrigerator must remain on.

Leave the cottage clean and tidy.
Thank you

📌We have some sad news:
Unfortunately we have some sad news. Our beloved mother passed away on august 31.

In loving memory of Eldbjørg Sæther.

1933 - 2022

Sist endret: 3.06.2023
Copyright © 2009-2024 - Sætran Camping - Org.nr: 984 957 173
Designed and developed by Simon Ekren Gravvold.